每週通訊 Weekly Bulletin 05/29/2022

主日彌撒 暨 每日祈禱

Join Zoom 732-732-7732

丙年 耶穌升天主日 彌撒視頻 05/29/2022 [NEW]

2022 成人慕道班 RCIA 開始接受報名

如果您或您的親友有興趣認識天主教信仰, 願意認識主耶穌基督及更深入的了解人生的意義,請儘快上網SJCCM.COM 報名登記參加慕道班。或打電話留言: ***-***-**** 或發郵件至
1. 歐維禮神父: fr.olivera@gmail.com
2. 高家琳 (Lulu): Lulu66ho@gmail.com
3. 湯明昭 (Irene):Tangmc06@gmail.com

點 閱 詳 情 並 報 名 參 加

CM 2022-2023 Registration

The enrollment for  the new school year 2022-2023 starts now.  Click the button below to register.

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Retrouvaille Marriage Program

The Retrouvaille Marriage Program Mission is to help hurting marriages heal, and bring peace to families, especially in this difficult time of pandemic. Some couples have fallen away from the Church during difficult times. Retrouvaille consists of a weekend program presented by 3 Catholic couples and a Priest. There are 6 Saturday post sessions. Approximately 48 hours of presentation. Our Retrouvaille goal is to reunite families to their Church so they may go forward to have fulfilling lives. For more information, see us at  www.HelpOurMarriage.org  

You are our lifeline to them! Retrouvaille is their lifeline back to the Church!

You Can Help Your Marriage – Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i) helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. This program has helped 10’s of 1000’s of couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage. . For confidential information about or to register for the August Marriage Program beginning with a weekend on August 5-7, 2022 call 408-605-4998, email: SanJose@RetroCA.com or visit our website at www.HelpOurMarriage.org


June 12 Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC) [NEW]

Urgent Donation to Help UKRAINE

We Were Born Ready: A New Vision for Post-Roe California

Join Bishop Oscar Cantú of San Jose, radio host Gloria Purvis, bioethicist Charlie Camosy, advocate Aimee Murphy, Sister of Life Sr. Virginia Joy, and CCC Executive Director Kathleen Domingo on Jun 9, 2022, at 06:00 PM for a conversation on how we answer the call, step up to the plate, and support women, children, and families.

This webinar will:

  • Empower you to join the Catholic community in action
  • Equip you to support mothers
  • Resource you to know the life-affirming safety net
  • Mobilize you to advocate for transformative family policies

Register today! – https://tinyurl.com/395fjffh

Click for Detail and Register

Pope Francis教宗天皇后喜樂經







5/29/2022 耶穌升天主日

進堂曲「慶賀主的凱旋」此曲源於韓德爾(G.F. Handel) Maccabaeus Oratorio, 英文名為 「Thine be the glory」, 原由瑞士牧師Edmond Budry(1854~1932)填詞,後經 Richard Hoyle(英)於1923將其由法文譯成英文。此曲適合於復活期間唱。

領主曲 「聖神請來」由灣區Los Altos耶穌會士Fr. Bob Fabing S.J. 所譜,彭育申老師翻譯。我們很喜歡Fr. Fabing 的歌,這首「聖神請來」,很清新,聞之有如聖神微風吹拂。耶穌從復活至升天,期間曾顕現給門徒們達四十天之久,主於升天前,允諾聖神即將來臨,也預示當聖神降臨他們身上時,他們將勇敢的站出來為主作見證,並傳福音直到地極。一個人能忠實地為天主、教會服務,源於與主親自碰觸、被愛的經驗,進而以愛還愛,結出相稱的果實。當意識覺察,明悉內心推動來自聖神,縱使前有未知險阻,聽從心中呼召follow your heart, 與主偕行,主恩定相隨。

出堂曲「偉大的奧蹟」歌詞出自弟茂德前書三15:16, 聖保祿宗徒以六句話完述耶穌道成肉身,救贖的奧蹟,最終光榮升天。今年1/23曾介紹過此曲。如今更進一步,請季祺加譜了tenor & bass分部,並邀請choir pilot team 以合唱方式賦予其新氣息

(5/12/2022 GL)

點 此 了 解 更 多 聖 歌

聖 詠 團 的 禮 物 GIFTS FROM CHOIR


1. Make Appointment:
2. After Sunday 3:00PM Mass at St. Clare Church.
3. Email Fr. Olivera for your question or concern.
4. 首週六明恭聖體 及 和好聖事 7:30pm-8:30pm 在 St. Clare Church。

CLICK for Detail …

靈修資料推薦 Faith Formation Resources

Sunday Collections Monthly Report

YTD Goal 7/1/21 through 04/30/22 : $150,000
YTD Actual 7/1/21 through
04/30/22 :  $135,500
YTD Variance :  ($14,500)

Fiscal Year Goal (7/1/21-6/30/22) :  $170,000

Note: We achieved 90% of Sunday collections goal during the first 10 months of our fiscal year ending 6-30-22, which is a good performance considering the effects of COVID and the fact that we did not adjust our Sunday collection goal downward.

網上奉獻操作指南 Online Giving Introduction

Online Giving Platform Upgrade

Dear Fellow Parishioners:

Recently, the vendor for our Online Giving Platform provided an update which has resulted in changes in the way we log in.  For those who made recurring donations, you will be able to log in using your email address and existing password.  For those who made one-time donations, you will need to create a new login by selecting the “Sign In” option on the main screen and then creating a new login account.  

If you have any questions regarding the change or have difficulty making donations please contact either Eugene (ujeanlee@gmail.com) or Wennie. (wchang1999@gmail.com).

Thank you for your generous support and understanding!!

SJCCM Finance Team

2022 Special Collection Schedules


You are invite
Every 2nd Saturday of the Month 11 AM
@ All Saints Chapel
The names of the deceased buried at Gate of Heaven and Calvary Cemeteries
from the prior month will be read in our mass intentions.
For more information: (408)878-4057; www.cfcssanjose.org



3、Santa Clara County COVID Assistant Navigation Program


糧食銀行Second Harvest Food Bank針對疫情的爆發, 設有幾種特別的免費服務.
1. 為獨居老人或殘障者運送食物到府
2. 為需要食物者提供 “驅車抵食物站, 無須下車, 即可領取食物”
3. 協助失業或低收入者申請政府糧食券

請關注您周遭需要幫助者, 聯絡工作人員陳莉娜 (408) 693-4284
我們為小兄弟所做的, 就是為主做。




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